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Susan Holtzman

Associate Professor

Department of Psychology

Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences

COVID-19 Research Area(s)
Mental Health & Wellbeing, Social Impacts
Collaborators Sought
Academic, Community, Government, Healthcare, Industry, Non-profit
Areas of collaboration interest
Social isolation and social connection in the context of COVID-19. Harnessing the powers of remote communication to reduce stress and enhance social and emotional wellbeing.

Research Specializations

A current focus of my SSHRC-funded research is understanding the impact of digitally-mediated communication (e.g., texting video-chat, social media), on our social relationships and wellbeing. This work was recently featured in a TIME magazine article about the challenges of working remotely in the context of COVID-19

More broadly, my program of research examines the ways in which social relationships can help or hinder adjustment to stress in healthy and chronically ill populations. I have expertise in a range of methodological approaches, including experimental, longitudinal, and ecological momentary assessment methods.

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