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BP_Survey_Covid-19; Hypertension Screening Diagnosis and Monitoring During Covid-19

COVID-19 Research Area(s): Healthcare Delivery & Policy

People with hypertension need to have their blood pressure (BP) checked regularly, and also to have clinical examination to make sure the blood pressure has not affected their heart, kidneys, eyes or other parts of the body. Recent guideline changes have suggested more use of home BP monitors, and automated BP devices in the clinics. Covid-19 has had a major impact on family practice. Many practices are now using virtual consultations instead of face to face meetings. These include phone and video, and email communication has also been increased. This survey aims to identify barriers and solutions family doctors in British Columbia have found in taking care of people with hypertension. People with hypertension may have difficulty sharing BP readings with their doctor. There may be innovative solutions some doctors may have developed that can be used to address this.

Post date: 
Jul 7, 2020